Friday, December 14, 2012

Tips Keeping Turtles

One pet is pretty much well-loved children and adult are turtles animals. Turtles are reptiles that have a hard shell as a protective body. The style and shape of a turtle shell is the biggest attraction for fans of these cute animals. If you are also interested to take care of him, you have to know how to keep a turtle that was funny animals can live well.
-Cages for turtles can be an aquarium. The greater or area of ​​a tank, would be the better for the development of a turtle.
-In aquarium you can add coral rocks or stones usually dull as a beachhead of turtles.
-Fill the aquarium with water but do not get too high. High water in the aquarium about ¾ high tortoise (limited to the neck).
-How to keep a turtle is quite important is to keep the aquarium clean. You should regularly clean the aquarium as well as replacing the water at least 2 days (change water daily is recommended). When you rush to the aquarium water is always changing, you can also use an aquarium filter that is nothing short of clean water. However, cleaning filters should always be.
-The water temperature is good for the turtles ranged from 20-28 degrees Celsius. Warm temperatures will greatly affect the health of the tortoise and the course will enhance the development of these reptiles.
-Note portion of tortoise food to keep your pet healthy. Should give food every 2 days or 3 times a week. If your pet turtles are still small or in the states, should be fed with small meals but are given every day.
-Give the vegetables or fruits in your pet turtle. In addition to vegetables, and fruit, turtles also like small animals are soft. Give pieces of fish, earthworms, or snails as food variety.
 -In addition to providing food on a regular basis, grant a special vitamin supplement or a turtle so your pet can stay healthy and not get sick.
-Tortoise-shell may be moss because it is always in contact with water. Therefore it is advisable to always clean tortoise shell by brushed with a soft brush (can use an old toothbrush).
-In order for the turtle is not saturated and bored in the aquarium, you can remove the turtle and let it go for a walk around the house. When removing a turtle, make sure that they are always in your control.
That is some way of maintaining a turtle that you can follow. The most important thing in caring for the turtles were noticed shelter, food, and cleanliness.

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