Friday, December 14, 2012

Lizard Pets

 Lizards are cute little creatures if cared for properly. Maintain them can make fun of you because they do not cost a lot in maintenance. Lizards are scaly, four-legged animal that belongs to a group of reptiles. Lizards have the kinds of small stature like Lygosoma sand lizard, up to the lizard Komodo (Varanus komodoensis) which can reach lengths of more than 3 m. Some species did not legged lizard, for example snake-like glass, has the structure of the wrist in his shoulder and pelvis, although no legs. Although the shape is similar, these lizards can be distinguished from true snakes because it has a movable eyelids, external ear canal, and can decide on his tail in distress, traits not possessed by a snake.
 Most lizards are egg-laying (ovipar), although some are child-bearing (viviparous). Also, most lizards can regrow tails, or even a broken leg.
Many types of lizards that are good tree climbers or fast sprinters. Some of them can even run on two legs with very quickly. Some lizards, such as chameleons, can change color according to mood or environmental conditions. Most lizards live on the ground (terrestrial), while partly living infiltrate in the loose soil or sand (fossorial). Some are hanging over or trunk of trees (arboreal).

Lizards that have small body eat a variety of insects such as mosquitoes, flies, moths and butterflies, a variety of insects, earthworms, frogs and reptiles to the other smaller. In addition, you can deliver frozen food and processed products to the lizard. Keep cleanliness of the cage should always be done because it is important that your lizard has a clean environment, water that has not been modified or filtered properly can lead to the buildup of ammonia in the tank, something that can kill your little friend. Lizard has a poisonous skin as a defense against predators substances released through their skins. Because of this, it is recommended that you wash your hands after you handle them, because if ingested, these toxins can cause a little trouble with your stomach.

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