Friday, December 14, 2012

Maintaining the Snakes

From the many types of pets, maybe a little preserved is a snake. The snake is one of the reptile family. These animals can be said as a wild and dangerous animals, because snakes are predatory animals that have fangs that can be issued. If python could kill with it, instead pythons kill their prey by twisting.
The snake had periods for skin, in those times you need a little wary and be careful because at times it will be more aggressive snake and avoid holding the snake while it is changing the skin. Snakes also need your love like it's another good pet cat or dog. If you want to keep the snake, treat them as pets that is started by feeding them regularly and care about their health.
Tips for holding a snake that you sometimes do not touch the head because it makes them feel threatened. As for how to tame the snake is holding them diligently, do the interactions between them with your hands, through touch, it is advisable to tame the snakes are still rather small or baby snakes. If you want to keep snakes there are some things you should consider
-Determine what type of snake you are going to keep. Choose a healthy snake, which means that physically there is no rarity either starting from scales, good bone structure to the natural movement.
-Well-cage. Have good air circulation, and made safe, which means the material used to cage the snake is harmless to the health of the snake.
-Health. By joining snake lovers community probably we will get the information we want and can both learn a variety of things about snakes.
-Availability of feed. You have to regularly feed the snakes well. Let the food is digested for several days, after the snake pooping might be a good time for you to play and handle snakes.
Spare a snake because in nature they are an important link in the chain that keeps the balance of our ecosystems, do not kill snakes because they are basically not going to attack us.

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