Friday, December 14, 2012

Tips Maintaining Guinea pigs

Guinea pigs are also kept quite a lot, mainly because the humor and agility. Pet guinea pig is good fun for kids and adults. Not infrequently, those who like to keep guinea pigs for participate in a contest, especially race. However, many people are reluctant or afraid to keep it for amusement. Therefore, the rodent's body shape is similar to a rat, but his body is greater than the rat. For people who want to keep guinea pigs do not require complex treatment. 
If cared for properly, guinea pigs can live long enough to accompany you for many years. As there are a few tips on caring for your pet guinea pig that is
-Choosing a Cage
Choose the right cage for your guinea pig. Choose a cage that has enough space for the guinea pig to move around in it comfortably. Minimum cage size standards for the guinea pig should have a size of 91x61x45 cm. And for the size of the circumference of the cage should be 4-5 times the length of guinea pigs while lying down. The cage should be placed in a hidden position and free from direct sunlight. Extreme temperatures can cause stress that can lead to discomfort and even illness. The cage should be put on bricks or mats to avoid the humid during the rainy season.
Use materials that are not toxic to the base enclosure. Because guinea pigs love to chew and will chew anything that is in the cage. Therefore, provide hay in the cage guinea pigs. Straw is commonly used to make a nest and a snack made by marmot
Fed guinea pigs every day. Such as vegetables and fruits are very good for his health. There are also foods that guinea pigs can be bought at the store instead of vegetables and fruits.
-Drinking-Water Supply
Always provide fresh water for your guinea pig. The best way is to provide a container of water attached to the container cage. Check the water regularly to ensure no leakage.
-Maintain cleanliness of the cage
Keep your guinea pigs cage. Cleanliness of the base enclosure must be maintained so as to keep dry and clean, and guinea pigs are comfortable and stay warm at night. Cages should be cleaned regularly, this is important especially during the warmer temperature, to prevent the flies come in a cage. In winter, shelter, guinea pigs can become damp and moldy if not cleaned.

-Use Spray Cleaner
Use a spray cleaner that can remove odors, germs and harmful bacteria marmot. Use Spray at the base and the guinea pig in a cage so the cage stays clean all the time.
-Marmot Fur-Care
Marmot fur is relatively short so it does not require an elaborate sweeping like an animal and a long bushy. Marmot fur soft and long it should also be treated so as not to fall off easily. The trick with shampooing marmot fur with special shampoo. Guinea pig skin also needs to be maintained so the softening maintained so that the necessary special shampoo for kittens, guinea pigs nails also need cut for not too long. Activities of guinea been cutting nails can be done once a month to get used guinea pigs and was not surprised.
-Safeguarding the Health-Marmot
Guinea pigs also require daily exercise to keep it healthy. How to make a guinea pig exercise is to create a barrier of pipes, bricks, and other sports as a vehicle for the guinea pig. Guinea pigs love to run around jump over obstacles, even a guinea pig push a little ball.

Tips Keeping Turtles

One pet is pretty much well-loved children and adult are turtles animals. Turtles are reptiles that have a hard shell as a protective body. The style and shape of a turtle shell is the biggest attraction for fans of these cute animals. If you are also interested to take care of him, you have to know how to keep a turtle that was funny animals can live well.
-Cages for turtles can be an aquarium. The greater or area of ​​a tank, would be the better for the development of a turtle.
-In aquarium you can add coral rocks or stones usually dull as a beachhead of turtles.
-Fill the aquarium with water but do not get too high. High water in the aquarium about ¾ high tortoise (limited to the neck).
-How to keep a turtle is quite important is to keep the aquarium clean. You should regularly clean the aquarium as well as replacing the water at least 2 days (change water daily is recommended). When you rush to the aquarium water is always changing, you can also use an aquarium filter that is nothing short of clean water. However, cleaning filters should always be.
-The water temperature is good for the turtles ranged from 20-28 degrees Celsius. Warm temperatures will greatly affect the health of the tortoise and the course will enhance the development of these reptiles.
-Note portion of tortoise food to keep your pet healthy. Should give food every 2 days or 3 times a week. If your pet turtles are still small or in the states, should be fed with small meals but are given every day.
-Give the vegetables or fruits in your pet turtle. In addition to vegetables, and fruit, turtles also like small animals are soft. Give pieces of fish, earthworms, or snails as food variety.
 -In addition to providing food on a regular basis, grant a special vitamin supplement or a turtle so your pet can stay healthy and not get sick.
-Tortoise-shell may be moss because it is always in contact with water. Therefore it is advisable to always clean tortoise shell by brushed with a soft brush (can use an old toothbrush).
-In order for the turtle is not saturated and bored in the aquarium, you can remove the turtle and let it go for a walk around the house. When removing a turtle, make sure that they are always in your control.
That is some way of maintaining a turtle that you can follow. The most important thing in caring for the turtles were noticed shelter, food, and cleanliness.

Tips Keeping cats

Many people who choose cat as a pet because it is cute and adorable animals. Therefore, there are a few tips in maintaining cats
-Before you want to keep the cat, you have to decide what the cat you want to keep. Because cats like to have some kind of Persian cats, Bengal cats, Himalayan cats, and others.
-In choosing the food you generally familiar with the favorite foods of most cats, fish. But good food affect intelligence, character, and your cat's body shape. The better you take care of the food is good, then your cat will increasingly look better.
-Provide a basket or a soft box as a bed. You can also give the fabrics on the bed so that the cat feels warm
-Place dirt-throwing, for those of you who do not have a yard wide, you can make it with a flat container. Fill the container with sand and provide a wide mat underneath. Clean the litter every day. You also have to clean up around the place to defecate or carbolic spray freshener to eliminate germs.
-In treating the long-haired cats need to be combed every day, this not only strengthens muscles but also helps prevent the feathers become matted and dull. Short-haired cats should be stroked with a damp hand to keep his fur to keep it clean.
-You can bathe him using warm water and a washcloth or hand towel with touch slowly on the coat. Note also the cleanliness of cutlery The Sweet by washing thoroughly, and discard food that is not spent. Also for the cleanliness of the bed, and place defecate.
-In the matter of health, consider any changes in behavior or your cat's appetite, high body temperature, dehydration, or your cat's body is shivering. If your cat turned into a quiet and less agile, eating less than usual amount, or generally look less healthy, this may indicate that your cat is unwell or sick and you should take him to the vet for their health checked.

Tips for Maintenance Hamster for Beginners

Before buying make sure the whole family can love hamsters because if all family members do not have the mental readiness to learn to maintain a hamster, it will usually lead to death because of ignorance hamster owners.
Hamsters can be purchased at the pet store or breeder is good, but that you also need to know what species would be maintained. Here are some tips to maintain hamster
-Do not be too often fed vegetables, carrots or fresh corn as a main diet, because it can result in you having problems on hamster urine or urine system. This resulted from the provision of fresh vegetables that you provide every day. Replace your hamster diet more in line with the dry hamster food that you can find in pet shops or in supermarkets.
-Give food-grains such as sunflower or pumpkin seeds as a snack. Sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds are one of the easier foods preferred by hamsters but administration resulted in large numbers in several things including: obesity, lack of calcium so that the growth of bones and teeth to be inhibited, abnormalities in the birth process (this is caused by a too high fat content on sunflower seeds). Therefore, be careful in feeding your hamster.
-Do not give too many snacks. Snack should be given only once a week. Because if the provision of snack too often will lead to nutrient imbalances, which in fact has been considered and studied in particular by the experts who have hamster food mix.
-Enclosure and equipment. Hamster is not required to maintain a special enclosure. You can put it in the terrarium. Cage is easier to carry, the edges can be used for climbing. In the glass box, can prevent the hamster throws out sawdust and other debris out of the cage, providing a better view for the hamster, quieter, and prevent the circumstances surrounding a dirty cage. Cages can be purchased from the store is equipped with multiple levels, connected by stairs.

Maintaining the Snakes

From the many types of pets, maybe a little preserved is a snake. The snake is one of the reptile family. These animals can be said as a wild and dangerous animals, because snakes are predatory animals that have fangs that can be issued. If python could kill with it, instead pythons kill their prey by twisting.
The snake had periods for skin, in those times you need a little wary and be careful because at times it will be more aggressive snake and avoid holding the snake while it is changing the skin. Snakes also need your love like it's another good pet cat or dog. If you want to keep the snake, treat them as pets that is started by feeding them regularly and care about their health.
Tips for holding a snake that you sometimes do not touch the head because it makes them feel threatened. As for how to tame the snake is holding them diligently, do the interactions between them with your hands, through touch, it is advisable to tame the snakes are still rather small or baby snakes. If you want to keep snakes there are some things you should consider
-Determine what type of snake you are going to keep. Choose a healthy snake, which means that physically there is no rarity either starting from scales, good bone structure to the natural movement.
-Well-cage. Have good air circulation, and made safe, which means the material used to cage the snake is harmless to the health of the snake.
-Health. By joining snake lovers community probably we will get the information we want and can both learn a variety of things about snakes.
-Availability of feed. You have to regularly feed the snakes well. Let the food is digested for several days, after the snake pooping might be a good time for you to play and handle snakes.
Spare a snake because in nature they are an important link in the chain that keeps the balance of our ecosystems, do not kill snakes because they are basically not going to attack us.